Interfaith Student Leader Application

[P]luralism is not a given; it is an achievement. Mere diversity without real encounter and relationship will yield increasing tensions in our societies…The language of pluralism is that of dialogue and encounter, give and take, criticism and self-criticism. Dialogue means both speaking and listening, and that process reveals both common understandings and real differences.

Diana Eck, The Pluralism Project

What is Interfaith Leadership?

Throughout the school year, the ISL cohort learns the basics of interfaith dialogue and action, including how to ask meaningful questions about difference, and how to appropriately enter into new religious spaces. At the heart of interfaith leadership is learning to remain open-minded while holding fast to one’s own worldviews. ISLs explore their own religious, spiritual and secular commitments, while broadening their worldviews. We do this through workshops, celebration over food, off-campus site visits, and in-person conversation with local and regional faith leaders.

What is the time commitment?

ISLs meet every Wednesday night of the quarter from 8-9:30pm. We also gather each Friday from 11-11:45am (common time) for Community Reflection.

I’m not religious, should I apply?

Yes! ISLs come from a variety of religious and secular worldviews. We have folks who describe themselves as Christian, Jewish, Atheist, Muslim, Pagan and a little bit of everything else. The whole point is to have a diverse group of students talking about their differences! The only requirement is that you WANT to engage on topics of religion/spirituality and that you want to make our campus a more welcoming place for all people.

Are ISLs and Interns the same?

Yes and no. ISLs are part of a volunteer cohort who commit to improving interfaith life on campus. From that cohort, five are hired (paid) for up to 7 hours per week to attend to the work of the office. If you would like to be considered for a paid position, please indicate that at the end of the application below.

Interfaith Student Leader Application

Apply to become an ISL!

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