Religious Holidays Calendar

The Holy Days listed represent major holiday observations in several traditions. There are additional holidays in these traditions, and others, which are not listed. For questions about religious observance, or what a reasonable accommodation might be for a student missing class, please reach out to Chaplain Candido.

July 24 2024
7-8 Hijri New Year Islam
9 Martyrdom of the Bab Bahá’í
16-17** Ashura Islam
21 Asalha Puja Buddhist

August 2024
1 Lughnasadh Pagan
12-13 Tisha B’Av Jewish
13-15 Obon (Ullambana) Buddhist
26-27 Krishna Janmashtami Hindu
 31 Paryushana Parvarambha Jain                    

September 2024
7 Ganesh Chaturthi Hindu
15-16 Mawlid Al-Nabi Islam
21 Mabon Pagan/Wiccan

October 2024
2-4**        Rosh Hashanah Jewish                                     
3-12 Sharad Navratri Hindu
11-12** Yom Kippur Jewish
16-23 Sukkot Jewish
20 Birth of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Sikh
23-24** Shemini Atzeret Jewish
24-25** Simchat Torah Jewish

31 Halloween Christian

31-1** Samhain Pagan/Wiccan

November 2024
1 Diwali Hindu/Jain/Sikh/Buddhist
2** Birth of Bab Bahá’í
3 Birth of Baha’u’llah Bahá’í
28 The Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Baha Bahá’í

December 2024
1-24 Advent Christian
8 Bodhi Day Buddhist
25 Christmas Day Christian
25-2 Hannukkah Jewish
26 Zartosht No-Diso Zoroastrian