Religious Accommodation Information

Religious Observance On Campus

The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life is deeply committed to helping students pursue religious observance in their tradition and fashion. Students may always contact Chaplain Liz Candido to find local resources including other religious students, rides to major holiday services, and local congregations and groups. The college cafeteria works with our Jewish and Muslim students during Passover, Sukkot, and Ramadan to provide food that meets dietary requirements and is available at unusual times and unusual places.

If a religious holiday conflicts with classroom obligations, students are asked to work individually with their professors to find accommodations before their first missed class. Students are often hesitant to approach their professors about the need to miss class. We believe, however, that learning how to appropriately advocate for oneself is an important skill. If students need extraordinary or additional help, or if faculty need assistance determining an adequate accommodation, both are invited to contact the Chaplain.

For more information on religious accommodation, or about religious life, Chaplain Liz Candido may be reached at or at 269.337.7362.

Campus Vehicles to Religious Services

If students would like to take a campus vehicle to a religious service, they may register to be a driving host to a local religious or spiritual activity. Once a driver host has reserved a campus vehicle, an announcement will be made inviting other students to attend with you. Our goal is to provide as many opportunities for students to visit local communities as possible!

So, what do you need to do?

  1. Find yourself a campus certified driver. If you would like to become a certified driver, please visit the business office for details.
  2. Notify the Chaplain at least 3 business days ahead of the event of your interest and provide her with the name of your campus certified driver.
  3. Before the event, coordinate with any students interested in traveling with you.
  4. On the day of the event, your driver is responsible for picking up the vehicle keys before 3:30pm from the Facilities Management office. You may not remove the car from the campus parking lot until the day & time of your event regardless of when you receive the keys. You do not have permission to drive the vehicle except during the time period pre-approved by the Chaplain. Students caught driving campus vehicles at other times will be subject to the Student Conduct Process.
  5. You may travel to the scheduled event and back. You may only travel in a campus vehicle to locations pre-approved by the Chaplain.
  6. After your event, you MUST fill the gas tank. This can seem silly, if you have only gone a few miles, but you still need to do it. You can submit your gas receipt to the Chaplain for reimbursement.
  7. Keys and mileage slips must be returned to the FacMan drop-box upon return to campus.

Two Limitations

  1. Normally, vehicles are only reserved for events outside a 1 mile radius from campus.
  2. Reservations will be made only if a campus car is available. This is a good reason to let the Chaplain know of your interest more than 3 business days in advance!

Chaplain Candido can be reached at, x7361 or by stopping by the Cavern most days between 8:30-4:30pm.